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Directions from Raleigh

Below is our preferred route from Raleigh - the most direct route 157 miles in 2 hrs and 50 minutes.

(Alternate # 1: Take 95 to Lumberton and take Hwy 74 to Hwy 410 - This is 20 miles farther)

(Alternate #2 : Take I-40 to Wilmington and take Hwy 17 to NMB - This is 30 miles farther)

  • Take I-40 west to Benson
  • Take I-95 south to Fayetteville
  • After crossing Cape Fear River just beyond the Rest Stop, take Exit 46 (Hwy 87 south - towards Elizabethtown)
  • Best break stop is in Gray's Creek, at either the BP station or the McDonalds (1 hr 20 minutes from Raleigh)
  • Take Hwy 87 to Tar Heel (This is 4 lanes)
  • In Tar Heel (just over 1/2 way there), turn right onto Hwy 331 (Watch for deer next 25 miles)
  • Hwy 331 will eventually merge with Hwy 410
  • Proceed on Hwy 410 through Bladenboro (Also known as a speed trap - Slow to 35 mph or risk getting a ticket) (Good break stop is Hardees)
  • Proceed on Hwy 410 through Chadborn (Don't stop unless you have to - Burger King only)
  • Proceed on Hwy 410 which dead ends in Tabor City
  • In Tabor City, take Hwy 701 south (right turn) (Good break stop is Burger King; or Shell Station where you can get Joe's BBQ)
  • Proceed on Hwy 701, crossing the NC/SC state line (Best Gas Prices is Hot Spot on the left - 2 miles) 
  • Just before Loris SC, turn left onto Hwy 9 (You've now got 23 miles to go)
  • Stay on Hwy 9 following North Myrtle Beach signs
  • Take Hwy 17 south to NMB (not 17 north to Wilmington)
  • Cross big bridge, crossing over intra-coastal waterway (If you look to the right down the waterway, our condo is about a mile away)
  • Proceed on Hwy 17 for 1.5 miles and turn right at West Port Drive
  • This intersection is just beyond MayDay Miniture Golf on the right (Big Yellow Plane Crash)
  • On the corners of West Port Drive and Hwy 17 are Walgreens and Starbucks (Walmart and TGIF are on the left) 
  • Proceed on West Port Drive (between Walgreens and Starbucks) about 100 yards
  • You will enter Carolina Keyes condo complex
  • West Port Drive will curve to the left, and a pond will be on the right
  • Just past the pond, turn into the first parking lot, which is beside the pool
  • Are we there yet?  Yes!


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